Identifying Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
Protect Your Elderly Loved Ones from Abuse
When you entrust your loved one to the care of a nursing home, you expect them to receive the care and respect they deserve. But even the best-rated nursing homes can neglect and abuse their residents due to prevalent factors such as understaffing. Signs of nursing home abuse and neglect can include unusual bruising, unresponsiveness, physical or emotional withdrawal, listlessness and more.
If at any moment you observe any of these signs, you should not hesitate to contact the Greensboro nursing home abuse attorneys at Roane Law as soon as possible. We may be able to help you by investigating the matter and getting to the bottom of everything. Even if you are unsure about whether or not you have a valid claim, you should not hesitate to learn more about your legal rights.
Many of our clients contacted us for help when they observed signs such as:
- Bed sores
- Poor hygiene
- Over-sedation
- Sudden weight loss
- Unexplainable injuries (broken bones)
- Urine or fecal odors
- Poor upkeep of facilities
Seek Help from Our Greensboro Elder Abuse Attorney
We understand how distressing it is to think that your loved one has been silently experiencing abuse at the hands of his or her nursing home caregivers. But you can put a stop to it by taking immediate legal action and contacting Roane Law. We will stop at nothing to get you and your loved one the justice and fair treatment you deserve.
By coming forward and filing a claim against the nursing home, you can help prevent further abuse from happening. Our firm has helped many individuals make nursing homes hold accountability for their negligent oversights. We offer all of our clients a free case consultation, where they can discuss their case with one of our Greensboro personal injury lawyers.
For the compassionate and thorough legal representation you need for your nursing home abuse, contact us today. Protect the rights and safety of your loved one.