Greensboro Nursing Home Neglect Attorney
Experienced Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers Serving Greensboro, NC
Experience– While most law firms advertise for nursing home neglect cases, few attorneys truly handle them. Neglect cases are difficult to pursue as they are medical malpractice cases without large damages. Greensboro nursing home neglect attorney James Roane has tried three nursing home neglect trials and two arbitrations in the last eight years.
To our knowledge, this is more than any other attorney in the middle of North Carolina. With the changes to our laws and rules of evidence, attorneys struggle with these nursing home neglect cases. Most of the time, other attorneys will just send off a demand letter to a nursing home and try to settle. This just doesn’t work. In the vast majority of cases, nursing homes refuse to own up to their mistreatment.
So, more than 90% of the time, lawyers will need to hire experts and litigate nursing home cases at least to mediation in order to get the case resolved. Just ask your potential attorney this question, “how many nursing home neglect trials have you won?” They will look at the floor and try and dodge the question.
The most likely answer is that they have never even tried one. Nursing home neglect cases have become very difficult to pursue. Regardless of the Greensboro nursing home neglect attorney you choose, make sure that they have the nursing home litigation experience to see the case through.
Don’t let it slide– We have an obligation to protect the elderly. They can’t protect themselves. If we allow nursing homes to continue to neglect residents, then we share in the blame. About a decade ago, I didn’t handle nursing home cases. However, I had a family come in and tell me a horror story.
Their elderly father was allowed to wander out of the nursing home. He walked down the street fell down on the side of the road and froze to death. The nursing home had been repeatedly warned to watch their residents better. After a few years of litigation, we finally won the case. Now, the facility added security measures on the doors to help prevent this in the future. While we can’t undo the past neglect, we can help prevent it in the future.
Types of cases– By law, abuse of the elderly is defined not only as any type of physical abuse but neglect or other adverse treatment which results in physical harm or mental suffering. The laws covering elderly abuse also include the lack of care by family members or a care facility. This includes not supplying the necessary goods or services which are required for an elder’s well-being.
Nursing home abuse or neglect can take the form of:
- Dramatic weight loss
- Loss of appetite
- The patient was unclean and poorly taken care of
- Food trays untouched
- Call lights being unanswered
- Uncared for slip and fall accidents
Heart-breaking– If you go into many of the nursing home chains, you will see food trays just sitting there getting cold. You will see residents laying in bed for hours or stuck in a wheelchair in the hallways asking for help. Call bells are ringing unanswered. Sometimes, urine is running out of a wheelchair into the floor and nurses walk right by. Usually, they don’t do this because they don’t care; they do this because there is just not enough of them. Nursing homes are understaffed and the nurses and CNAs are set up for failure. They simply can’t get the work done.
Profits over people– We have elderly right here in the state of North Carolina dying from malnutrition and dehydration. There is absolutely no excuse for this. Nursing home companies make millions of dollars running these nursing homes; they need to put some money back in and hire more staff.
Nursing homes can get paid up to $15,000 a month for a Medicare patient. Where does this money go? If you look at their staffing numbers compared to expected staffing levels, it is shameful. When these types of symptoms are noticed, it is important to contact a law firm that is knowledgeable in the area of nursing home neglect to get the help you need. A Greensboro nursing home neglect attorney from Roane Law can guide you through the steps that need to be taken to protect your loved ones.
Plaintiff’s Lawyer Protecting The Elderly
Your loved ones deserve to be treated with the respect they deserve – don’t let them be taken advantage of. Attorney James Roane during 2009/2010 was the Chair of the Nursing Home Division of the North Carolina Advocates of Justice and a member of the Guilford County Nursing Home Advisory Committee. Greensboro nursing home neglect attorney, James Roane has tried three nursing home cases in jury trials and two arbitrations. All of these cases were in the last six years. While we can’t guarantee that we will win your case, we will guarantee that we will fight with everything that we have. Contact us today.